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Frame 10.png
Twisted Snakes Puzzle
Spatial visualisation of interlocking bodies of snakes 
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Kingdom of Wuhan Book
Book design for spreading awareness on Covid-19
Frame 11.png
Impossible Object Poster
A poster on optical illusion for visual ergonomics 
Frame 13.png
Daffnie Comics
Fun & relatable comics created during the lockdown

Graphic Design

Frame 14.png
Packaging & Label Design
Coffee & chocolate packets label design & branding
Frame 16.png
'TheWorks' Rebranding
Reimagine & give a fun look that resonates with the brand
Frame 15.png
Healthcare Infographics
Benefits of turmeric & curcumin in various diseases
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Posters & Stuff
College club work for cultural & technical tests


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HCP Ahmedabad Internship
Central Vista, New Delhi & Kashi Vishwanath Dham
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Hook & Cook
Interior design for shipping container cafe
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Dhobi Talab, Moti Daman
Working drawings for a landscaping project
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NASA India Projects
Set of trophies participated in for ANC-2019

Design Tasks

FlyFin Design Task
Enhancing CPA Query Experience 
Rapido Design Task
Remembell - Reminding people of tasks & events
Flyfin (1).png
DE Shaw Design Task
Dashboard for fund management in an MNC
Placeholder (WIP)
Upload flow on for Microsoft Stream

Get to know more about me here

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